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Why You Should Change the Locks in Your New Home
secondary March 08

Why You Should Change the Locks in Your New Home

While basking in the euphoria of moving into a new home or office, you shouldn't neglect the security of the property. Although the crime rate varies for different neighborhoods and cities, you can't be too careful when it comes to the security of your property. 

A home is only as safe as the locks on its doors. This is why you shouldn't overlook the state of the locks in the house. As the new occupant of the property, you can't tell who else has keys to the building because the keys would have passed through different hands before you moved in.

In this guide, we will look at why changing locks in a new property is a good idea.

Improve the Security of the Property

Every property is faced with the risk of theft or invasion. However, the degree of this risk varies for different properties. For some, it is high, while for others, it may be minimal. This is made possible by the type of safety measures on the property. One security measure that should exist in every home or office is having durable locks.

Locks that are strong and durable keep a property secured against external attack. This is why every homeowner should invest in durable locks that are difficult to pick. Therefore, you should endeavor to hire a professional from a reliable service provider like Top St. Louis Locksmith.

Experience Higher Satisfaction

After moving in, you may observe that the existing locks are likely old, weak, and already failing. Then, go for locks of better quality and durability. The new locks have to be stronger, more durable, and have better aesthetics than old locks. 

Working with a qualified locksmith to install new locks means your property is better protected against external attacks or intrusion. That will also the new locks last longer.


Lock replacement in a new property allows you to improve both the quality and beauty of your home. In some cases, the existing locks might be outdated and unappealing. An experienced locksmith at Top St. Louis Locksmith can recommend locks that will match your door and home décor. Working based on specific requirements, the locksmith will help install a new set of locks that keep your property secured against invaders. 

Prevent Unwanted Access

For every new property, there is the possibility of the former owners or tenants, or realtors still having a set of keys to the building. Anyone with the keys could access your property and nothing might restrict them. While it is expected that they shouldn't enter the property without your permission, you cannot be too trusting.

Furthermore, you can never tell if there is a duplicate or spare key to the property somewhere. You would agree that a spare key in the hands of the wrong person is detrimental to your safety and security.

As alarming as this problem sounds, it could be solved by changing the locks on the property. Contacting Top St. Louis Locksmith to replace the locks with new ones means you are the only one with access to the property. The only way to gain access must be with the right keys.
