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How to Secure Your Front Porch
secondary December 16

How to Secure Your Front Porch

Congratulations for concluding your home improvement project! Perhaps you redesigned your front porch with ideas that epitomize your class and the contractor did a nice job.

However, most homeowners focus on the aesthetics of their front porch without considering the security of their property and loved ones. Remember, the front porch is the entrance to your home and burglars do not consider beauty when they plan to attack! The security of your front porch is the only factor that can restrict them.

You have to ensure that your security system is up to date and that intruders cannot break in easily. To help improve the security of your front porch, our residential locksmith has compiled some useful tips on how you can keep your front porch and home secure.

Improve the Security of Your Front Door

As we stated earlier, the security of your front porch should be the next consideration after aesthetics. Criminals are always in search of entrance doors or homes with porous security systems. They want to pull through every operation without hitches.

Therefore, you cannot sit back to allow these criminals to pick or snap your locks. Firstly, evaluate the security system of your building and take note of necessary improvements.

Contact a reliable locksmith service provider for lock upgrades. If you have standard locks, upgrade to deadbolts, electronic or smart locks. You should also install ANSI Grade 1 locks on your front doors.

Evaluate Your Front Doors

It is almost a waste of time to install high-security locks on flush doors. Just a kick from the burglars and they will gain access to your home. Consider installing strong wooden, or steel doors at the entrance of your home.

Illuminate Your Front Porch

Your porch is not just for aesthetics, it is the first spot that creates an impression about your home. Valuables like mails, newspapers, and delivered items can also be kept there.

You should try to add enough lights for direction and security. Depending on your budget, there are beautifully designed lights that could add glamor to your entrance.

Security Cameras are an Important Component of the Front Porch

Security cameras deter criminals. They are a real asset to your front porch. Whether you are at home or not, you can keep an eye on all activities at your front door.

With surveillance cameras, you will have peace of mind about your valuables and loved ones. Even when there is a burglary attack, it will be easier for law enforcement to investigate as well as recover the stolen items.

Always Trim Plants and Flowers

Usually, an unkept landscape signifies the absence of people in a building. It is also a hiding place for criminals. The plants and flowers at your compound should be kept greenery but must be well trimmed. You can consult landscape experts to give you a good design that will match every other aesthetic feature of your front porch.

Get Professionals for Routine Maintenance

Whether it is to strengthen home security, redesign your front porch, or illuminate your building, you need to always work with professionals. Speaking of getting professionals, rely on the experts from Top St. Louis Locksmith for your lock and security upgrades. We can work within your budget to provide and install security locks on your front doors and porch.
