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How to Improve Your Business Security
secondary November 09

How to Improve Your Business' Security

More often than not, businesses experience a burglary or vandalism incident yearly. Commercial buildings are constantly vulnerable to burglary because of valuable content such as cash, high-value equipment, documents, and so much more. Therefore, it is beyond convenience to ensure that your business's security is kept at the maximum.

We’ve developed a few steps to guarantee better security for your staff and business building. However, it is also important to orientate your workers to be conscious of their environment and keep the building secure at all times. For example, ensure that the workers lock the rooms containing your safe or important documents after use.

Start With Your Locks

The basics of every security are locks, and they are one of the determining factors that may determine if your building remains safe during any burglary. For one, most burglars leverage the weaknesses of your door and window locks to get into the building. Therefore, ensure you invest in quality commercial locks that can stand force and longevity.

For example, installing a door knob on your front doors is a call for theft. Door knobs are better as interior locks rather than their exterior counterparts. Also, neglecting your window locks, as most business owners do, will be detrimental in the long run. To ascertain that you get the best lock, you can consult an experienced locksmith for expert advice. At Top St. Louis Locksmith, we have the expertise to determine the best locks for your commercial building.

Lastly, if you moved into a new commercial building, the first thing to do is to rekey all the locks. You cannot tell who still has access to the building, and you don’t want to witness a burglary because of old locks.

Invest in an Alarm System

Alarm systems come in different types, but motion-sensor alarms can be worthwhile. The best time to turn your alarms on is after business hours. At such times, the alarm could detect motion at strategic places and instantly turn on. The piercing sound is enough to put any burglar on the run.

If you already have an alarm, ensure you do a periodic check to confirm it is still functioning properly or whether you need an upgrade. Some alarm systems are no longer fully functional and you won’t know because they are only occasionally used. So, to avoid your alarm failing during critical moments, it is best to look into your already existing alarm system.

Collaborate With a Trusted Locksmith

Keeping your business safe demands you always work with a professional. Locksmiths are experts when it comes to locks and the overall security of buildings. They can determine if your building is vulnerable to theft and provide effective ways to up your security game.

As a business, you need a stable locksmith that will periodically check your security system to look for loopholes and provide effective solutions. Thankfully, you won’t need to worry about that if you are in St. Louis. Top St. Louis Locksmith has the finest locksmiths with the training and experience to keep your business building in a secure state.
